Planning and resources for primary teachers from Our history topics include Stone Age to Iron Age, Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Victorians, Shang Dynasty etc and the list is expanding each month, with literacy units to link to the topics too.
Our popular resources have been tried and tested in hundreds of classrooms.
Planning and resources for primary teachers from Our history topics include Stone Age to Iron Age, Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Victorians, Shang Dynasty etc and the list is expanding each month, with literacy units to link to the topics too.
Our popular resources have been tried and tested in hundreds of classrooms.
Download our popular two-week literacy unit of poetry planning for Years 1 and 2. This unit is perfect to go with a living things topic and is built around objectives from the National Curriculum.
In this unit, children will read and listen to nature poems by Christina Rossetti and consider how the sounds and language patterns come alive when the poems are read aloud. Pupils will have the opportunity to create their own versions of the nature poems and to perform them.
The aims of the unit for pupils are:
• To listen to classic poems being read aloud
• To identify patterns of language and recurring phrases
• To use the voice in different ways to express ideas
• To perform a poem off by heart
The PDF file contains 10 full literacy lesson plans, copies of the poems and all accompanying pupil resources. Perfect for National Poetry Month!
SPECIAL OFFER: new TES buyers can use code OUTSTANDINGOCT at checkout to download for free!
You may also like our other KS1 poetry packs:
Going to Sea Poetry Pack
Summer Performance Poetry Pack
Spring Performance Poetry Pack
A fully-resourced unit of 10 history lessons for KS2, covering the Stone Age to Iron Age topic. This KS2History planning pack includes 10 detailed lessons plans, each with accompanying pupil resource sheets and Powerpoint slides.
The ten sessions in this unit aim to give an overview of the period from the Stone Age to the Iron Age in Britain and to highlight some of the major changes during this period. There is an emphasis on allowing pupils to consider the sources of evidence that form our understanding of this period of British history.
The aims of the unit for pupils are:
To gain an overview of the major changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age
To consider how we know about a historical period without written sources
To research what it might have been like to live in Britain during this period
This pack contains everything you need to teach this unit, including differentiated activity ideas so that it can be adapted to the needs of your class.
The planning pack covers the following lessons:
What does prehistory mean?
How did hunter-gatherers survive in the Stone Age?
What was Stone Age cave art?
What kind of sources tell us about the Stone Age?
What was Skara Brae?
Why are there so many mysteries about Stonehenge?
How did bronze replace stone in the Bronze Age?
What do grave goods tell us about the Bronze Age?
What was life like in an Iron Age hill fort?
What was Iron Age art like?
This pack is brought to you from KS2History resources.
This resource includes 1 x PDF file (containing all lessons and resources) and 10 x separate PPT files.
You may also like:
Stone Age Boy Literacy Planning
How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth Literacy Planning
Stone Age to Iron Age planning bundle of all 3 packs
This two-week unit of English work, based on the book ‘The Great Kapok Tree’, works well alongside topics about rainforests, sustainability and Mayans. It can also be used as a standalone English unit. The resources are designed for Year 3 and Year 4.
The ten lessons in this unit use drama, discussion and creative activities to help pupils to engage imaginatively with the text. Pupils will become familiar with the structure of dilemma stories and then write and edit their own dilemma stories based on The Great Kapok Tree. There is also a grammar focus on using direct speech and plenty of activities designed to develop vocabulary.
The English objectives covered in this unit are:
- To retrieve information from non-fiction
- To design a ‘great tree’ setting
- To explore the structure of dilemma stories
- To punctuate direct speech correctly
- To use a range of speech verbs
- To use adverbs in dialogue (higher group)
- To identify persuasive devices
- To use a dictionary to find definitions
- To write a persuasive letter
- To prepare a group performance
- To plan a dilemma story
- To write my own dilemma story
- To edit and evaluate my writing
- To use a thesaurus
The PDF file contains 10 lesson plans and accompanying pupil resources.
This is a fun and popular performance poetry unit for KS1, based on creating and performing Autumn poetry about a fieldmouse looking for safety during Autumn time. This pack covers one week of literacy lessons for Y1 or Y2.
The five lessons in this unit aim to give children the opportunity to read and listen to a classic autumn poem and to consider how the sounds and language patterns come alive when it is read aloud, in particular its use of verbs and commands. Children will have the opportunity to engage imaginatively with the poem and to create their own version of an autumn poem to perform aloud.
The aims of the unit for pupils are:
• To listen to a classic harvest poem being read aloud
• To identify verbs
• To use command sentences
• To prepare a poetry performance including actions
• To perform a poem to an audience
The final performances would also be perfect for a harvest assembly.
Updated for Spring 2018!
Download our five-lesson literacy unit of poetry planning for Years 1 and 2, based on performing Spring poetry and built around the KS1 new curriculum literacy objectives.
In this unit, pupils will read a classic Spring poem about a fast white bunny and they will consider how the sounds and language patterns come alive when the poem is read aloud, particularly reflecting on the use of verbs and similes. Children will work towards creating their version of the Easter poem and turning it into an effective performance.
The aims of the unit for pupils are:
• To listen to a classic Spring poem being read aloud
• To identify verbs and similes
• To prepare a poetry performance including actions
• To perform a poem to an audience
The PDF file contains 5 full literacy lesson plans, copies of the poem and all accompanying pupil resources.
You may also like our other KS1 packs:
Going to Sea Poetry Pack
Summer Performance Poetry Pack
Great for harvest festival performances!
A one-week literacy unit based on creating and performing harvest poetry about a fieldmouse trying to keep safe when the farmer is harvesting the fields. At the end of the week pupils will have prepared a performance of their harvest poem.
The five lessons in this unit give children the opportunity to read and listen to a classic harvest poem and to consider how the sounds and language patterns come alive when it is read aloud, in particular its use of verbs and commands. Children will have the opportunity to engage imaginatively with the poem and to create their own version of a harvest poem to perform aloud.
The aims of the unit for pupils are:
• To listen to a classic harvest poem being read aloud
• To identify verbs
• To use command sentences
• To prepare a poetry performance including actions
• To perform a poem to an audience
The final performances would also be perfect for a harvest assembly or harvest festival.
This popular 3D bonfire poetry lesson makes a fun literacy activity that is perfect in the run up to bonfire night or to go alongside fire topics.
This download includes all the resources you need, including a powerpoint presentation, a teacher guide and a pupil template pack.
Pupils will create a bonfire poem following the lesson Powerpoint, using similes and sensory descriptions to imagine a bonfire scene. Then they can use the templates to turn their poems into a fabulous 3D effect bonfire, making an excellent classroom display for bonfire night!
This resource includes:
- A full lesson powerpoint including discussion points and a writing activity.
- A teacher instruction pack
- A template pack for making the 3D bonfire.
This is an easy, fun activity perfect for primary classrooms and one that can be adapted for KS1 or KS2.
Please note that due to terms of use in the images used, the Powerpoint file is not editable.
Christmas Performance Poetry for KS1 or KS2.
A five-lesson literacy unit of poetry planning, based on performing Christmas poetry. The planning is adaptable for Key Stages 1 and 2, with ideas included for how to use it younger or older classes.
In this unit, pupils will read the poem ‘Sly Santa Claus’ and they will consider how the sounds and language patterns come alive when the poem is read aloud, particularly focussing on the use of verbs and onomatopiea. Children will work towards creating their version of the Christmas poem and turning it into an effective performance.
The aims of the unit for pupils are:
• To listen to a classic Christmas poem being read aloud
• To identify verbs and onomatopoeic phrases
• To prepare a poetry performance by planning actions or props
• To perform a poem to an audience
• To identify successful features of a performance
The PDF file contains 5 full literacy lesson plans, copies of the poem and all accompanying pupil resources.
Looking for something a bit different for your Christmas poetry activity? This Christmas Kennings lesson will make a fun English activity ready for Christmas time and the resulting pieces of work create a fab festive classroom display!
In this Christmas literacy lesson, pupils will learn about what kennings are and practise using them with a festive twist! Then they will make their own kenning poem about Christmas trees and turn it into a fantastic colourful kenning tree ready for a Christmas classroom display!
The Powerpoint provided guides you though the full lesson, including time to discuss ideas and vocabulary. Then pupils can use the templates and instructions provided to make their own colouring kenning trees.
This resource includes:
- A full lesson powerpoint
- A resource pack including teacher instructions and templates for the activity.
This is a fun activity easily adapted for KS1 or KS2.
Please note that due to terms of use in the images used, the Powerpoint file is not editable.
Please follow the steps below to access your files:
1. Return to this page.
2. Scroll to the files included within the resource listed under the header ‘Files Included’/‘All Files’. You may need to click on the ‘See all Resources’ to view them all.
3. Use the download arrow icons found to the left of each of the file names for each separate file.
Back to School - a fun activity for primary classrooms. This Recipe for a Great School Year activity pack (including full lesson Powerpoint and all templates) makes a fun welcome project for a new class and creates a classroom display to put up for the new school year. Updated for Back to School 2019.
A super first week back/getting to know you activity!
The aim of this fun activity is to help your new class think about what will make the next school year a successful one.
Pupils will create a recipe for a great school year (the writing activity is included in the Powerpoint lesson provided) and then they can use the templates to turn it into a fabulous transition craft, perfect for display!
This resource includes:
- A full lesson powerpoint including discussion points and a differentiated writing activity.
- A teacher instruction pack
- A template pack for making the chef craft
This is an easy-to-follow, fun activity perfect for primary classrooms and can be easily adapted for different age groups.
Please note that due to terms of use in the images used, the Powerpoint file is not editable.
Download our Stone Age to Iron Age planning bundle containing our three very popular Stone Age planning packs for Year 3 or Year 4. Get a great head start with your planning for the Stone Age to Iron Age topic at a bargain price.
This Stone Age to Iron Age planning bundle includes the following:
Stone Age to Iron Age Literacy Planning
1. Stone Age Boy Planning Pack- two week literacy unit of work based on the book Stone Age Boy with a final written outcome of pupils writing their own Stone Age narrative.
2. How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth Planning Pack - two week unit based on the book How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth with a focus on reading and writing instructional texts.
Stone Age to Iron Age history planning:
3. Stone Age to Iron Age Planning Pack - complete planning and resource pack containing ten comprehensive history lessons and accompanying pupils resources and teacher guides.
***FREE BONUS Resources! 2 Reading Comprehension Packs*****
Check out our other Stone Age resources for Year 3 and Year 4:
You may also like:
Stone Age Boy Literacy Planning
How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth Literacy Planning - Stone Age Instructions Unit
Stone Age to Iron Age Planning Pack
Recipe for a Happy New Year: New Year 2018 Activity
Updated especially for New Year 2018! Recipe for a Happy New Year (including full lesson Powerpoint and all templates) - a fun new year project and display for your classroom!
Please follow the instructions at the bottom of this description to download all of your files.
Here is a fun activity to help your pupils think about what will make this new year successful!
Pupils will create a recipe for a happy new year (the writing activity is included in the Powerpoint lesson provided) and then they can use the templates to turn it into a fabulous baker craft, perfect for display!
This resource includes:
- A full lesson powerpoint including discussion points and a differentiated writing activity.
- A teacher instruction pack
- A template pack for making the back to school chef craft
This is an easy, fun activity perfect for the primary classrooms!
Please note that due to terms of use in the images used, the Powerpoint file is not editable.
Please follow the steps below to access your files:
1. Return to this page.
2.Further down the page you’ll see the files included within the Resource listed under the header ‘Files Included’. You may need to click on the ‘See all Resources’ to view them all.
3. Use the individual download arrow icons found to the left of each of the file names for each separate file.
FREE back to school bingo game!
Help your new class get to know each other with this fun game.
Give each child a Find Someone Who Board (choose the KS1 or KS2 version). Children then go around the room and find somebody who can sign their name in each box on the board. The aim is to fill up their whole board as well as to get to know their classmates better!
This free resource is part of our popular
New Class Poetry Activity.
Go for gold with our new Summer Sports Poetry Pack!
This is a five-lesson English unit of poetry planning for Years 3 and 4, based on creating shape poetry themed on the summer olympic games.
In this unit, pupils will research different olympic sports and work on developing vocabulary to describe the different movements involved. Pupils will investigate shape poetry and begin to understand the relationship between the language used in the poem and the shape of the words on the page. There is also a grammar focus on adding suffixes to form comparative adjectives. At the end of the unit the pupils will work towards a visual performance of a poem that is created in the shape of the olympic rings.
The objectives of the unit for pupils are:
• To investigate shape poetry
• To retrieve information from non-fiction
• To apply grammar rules for adding suffixes
• To prepare a group poetry performance
• To create a shape poem
The PDF file contains 5 full literacy lesson plans and all accompanying pupil resources. This unit would work really well with topics about summer, sports, olympics, going for gold or healthy bodies.
You may also like:
Summer Performance Poetry KS1
Jabberwocky Poetry Planning Pack
Stone Age Boy Literacy Pack
The Egyptian Cinderella Literacy Pack
Download our new Summer Performance Poetry Pack, a five-lesson English unit for KS1, based on performing summer poetry.
In this unit, pupils will read a classic summer poem about a baby playing with the sand on the beach. Pupils will have a chance to consider how the sounds and language patterns come alive when the poem is read aloud. There is also a grammar focus on expanded nouns and using command sentences. Children will work towards creating their own version of the summer poem and turning it into an effective performance, which could be used for a summer-themed assembly or celebration.
The aims of the unit for pupils are:
• To listen to a classic summer poem being read aloud
• To use expanded nouns
• To use command sentences
• To prepare a poetry performance including actions
• To perform a poem to an audience
The PDF file contains 5 full literacy lesson plans, copies of the poem and all accompanying pupil resources.
You may also like our other KS1 poetry packs:
Going to Sea Poetry Pack
Transition Day Activity Pack
Year 2 Performance Poetry Pack
Spring Performance Poetry
Very popular Christmas resource! Get sorted for the festive season with three fun Christmas literacy activities for primary classrooms.
1. Christmas Riddles - a fun activity lesson where pupils write riddles about Christmas presents and then make a lift-the-flap present.
2. Christmas Tree Kennings - pupils learn what kennings are and use them to make a Christmas tree poem.
3.Christmas Performance Poetry - a five-day literacy unit leading up to a poetry performance, adaptable to different age groups.
Please follow the download instructions at the bottom of the page to make sure you get all of the 5 files (2 X PPT and 3 x PDF files) included in this resource. Problems downloading? Click here for download help.
Please follow the steps below to access your files:
1. Return to this page and click on each resource to go to the product listing.
2. Scroll to the files included within the resource listed under the header ‘Files Included’/‘All Files’. You may need to click on the ‘See all Resources’ to view them all.
3. Use the download arrow icons found to the left of each of the file names for each separate file.
Perfect for Anti-Bullying Week 2018! This Anti-Bullying iPhone Booklet makes a fun activity that helps pupils to think about some of the key issues about bullying and this year’s theme ‘Choose Respect’. All templates and Powerpoint slides required are included.
Pupils will create an iPhone-shaped booklet in which they write or draw to answer text messages about different issues relating to bullying.
The Powerpoint provided guides you though different discussion points and offers 3 different challenge levels for each question, allowing you to easily adapt this resource for your year group. Then pupils can use the templates provided to create their own antibullying booklets, making an excellent classroom display or handheld project to take home!
This resource includes:
- A full lesson powerpoint including differentiated discussion points
- A resource pack including teacher instructions and templates for the activity.
This is a fun and through-provoking activity easily adapted across KS1 and KS2.
Please note that due to terms of use in the images used, the Powerpoint file is not editable.
This Christmas Present Riddles lesson will make a fun English activity for the festive season! We ho-ho-hope you will love making these lift-the-flap Christmas riddles!
Uh-oh! There has been a mix-up in Santa’s workshop and the cheeky elves have left clues about the presents instead of labelling them correctly! In this lesson, pupils will help Santa to solve the elves’ riddles and then they will write their own riddles about Christmas presents. Follow the instructions to turn the riddles into fun lift-the-flap Christmas presents, perfect for a festive classroom display!
The Powerpoint provided guides you though the full lesson, including time to discuss ideas and vocabulary. Then pupils can use the templates provided to plan their riddles and turn them into fun lift-the-flap pictures.
This resource includes:
- A full lesson powerpoint
- A resource pack including teacher instructions and templates for the activity.
This is a fun activity easily adapted for KS1 or KS2.
Please note that due to terms of use in the images used, the Powerpoint file is not editable.
Celebrate Chinese New Year with this mini history project on the Shang Dynasty of Ancient China. This bundle includes lessons plans, pupil resources and teacher's guide. It is designed for KS2 and includes cross-curricular activities like cooking Shang recipes, investigating ancient tombs and designing oracle bones with ancient Chinese messages on.
This nine-lesson unit covers the following questions:
1. What was the Shang Dynasty?
2. What was it like in settlements around the Yellow River Plain?
3. How did Shang farmers provide food for their society?
4. What were the religious beliefs of the Shang Dynasty?
5. What was the Shang system of writing like?
6. What did the rulers of the Shang Dynasty do?
7. What do archaeological findings tell us about the Shang Dynasty?
8. Why is Lady Fu Hao’s tomb significant to historians?
9. Why did the Shang Dynasty fall in 1046 BC?
Looking for activities for the first week back with your new class? Updated for 2019.
Download this bundle of popular back to school activities for primary teachers getting to know their new classes!
New Class Activity Pack - pupils bond by working together to make a class poem
Time Capsule - pupils make an ‘All About Me’ time capsule to be sealed and opened again at the end of the school year
Recipe for a Great School Year - these recipes make a perfect classroom display.
The resources contain ideas for adapting the activities to suit older or younger classes in Ks1 or Ks2. Great for getting to know your new class in a fun and hands-on way.